
Machine Learning on Graphs Workshop

Event WSDM 2024
Research Areas Graph Machine Learning, User Modeling & Personalization

Graphs, which encode pairwise relations between entities, are a kind of universal data structure for a lot of real-world data, including social networks, transportation networks, and chemical molecules. Many important applications on these data can be treated as computational tasks on graphs. Recently, machine learning techniques are widely developed and utilized to effectively tame graphs for discovering actionable patterns and harnessing them for advancing various graph-related computational tasks. Huge success has been achieved and numerous real-world applications have benefited from it. However, since in today’s world we are generating and gathering data in a much faster and diverse way, real-world graphs are becoming increasingly large-scale and complex. More dedicated efforts are needed to propose more advanced machine learning techniques and properly deploy them for real-world applications in a scalable way. MLoG at WSDM’24 provides a venue to gather the academia researchers and industry researchers/practitioners to present the recent progress of machine learning on graphs.